Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It's The Cop's Fault, Sue'em, Sue'em

Last Saturday in Houston a 17-year old delinquest stole a pickup truck, then ran from police when they got after him.
As the pursuit progressed, the pursuing officer broke off as the speeding truck entered a residential neighborhood. In fact the fleeing truck was completely out of sight of the officer when it crashed into another vehicle, killing one of it's occupants and injuring the other.
Immediately the family of one of the victims began blaming the police. By Monday they had hired a lawyer and were threatening to sue the officer, the police department and the City of Houston.
Family members were on all the local TV stations critisizing the police department's pursuit policy, even though they had no idea what the policy is.
Family members plan to appear before the city council to ask for a policy change. They haven't said what part of the policy they want to change, neither has their lawyer, but it makes good TV.
Houston City Council member James Rodriquez, who represents the district in which the crash occurred has sided squarely with the police department. He blames the crook. How strange?
A police spokesman told TV cameras the officer involved complied with department policy regarding police pursuits.
No one wants to see someone die or be injured in a tragic event such as this one, but it happens. So long as crooks are allowed to roam free, raping, robbing, stealing, killing and plundering, and police don't chase them down for fear of loosing their jobs, the crooks win.
For some, the opportunity to sue, in hopes of getting a quick and easy cash settlement, is just too tempting to pass, and this sure looks like another one of those temptations.

1 comment:

Zeke said...

What's new. Cops are easy targets nowadays, mainly because politicians, city and county officials don't speak up and support them.
We need more like Councilman Rodriquez who does what's right instead of beinga wimp while the police officers in his city are being persecuted in the media and beat up by law buzzards.